During the crisis, the bookmaker business market always grows one of the first. People are eager to quickly enrich themselves, and they are not stopped even by the risk of losing a fortune. Against this background, in 2018, the market of so-called cappers began to flourish, people who publicly declare their ability to beat bookmakers. It is clear that most of these pseudo-experts are scammers, but there are also nuggets that can really earn on stakes.
We divided these services into several groups:
- Paid forecasts
- Contractual matches
- Folding
- Live betting
- Promotion of accounts in the BC
- Sites that confirm the authenticity of the forecasts.
So, who and what they promise us, ordinary users who paid several thousand rubles for the sacred knowledge of forecasters. You can make use of the Sports Betting Software in this matter.
Paid forecasts
Create your own website and register a domain (it is mandatory to have attracting attention to the words “bet”, “tip”, “pick” and so on) – it’s 15 minutes. Managing this site is also quite simple. For this reason, there are thousands of websites on the Web that offer paid forecasts. Pricing for them all kinds – starting from 1000 dollars a month and up to 750 dollars for one recommendation. How to choose the one that will allow you to beat your bookmaker office? The answer is simple – almost none at all. Honest of them about 2-3%.
To deceive you is very simple, you do not know how the service worked before, honest statistics or not. “Draw” you can imagine anything. Often happens, that after you subscribe to this or that service, it starts unexpectedly to fail, and then completely closes.
What you need to check when choosing such a site when trying to find a gold needle in a haystack:
- The availability of statistics section, updated every day.
- The age of the domain and the site, as well as the correspondence of the statistics of forecasts to the age of the site. It happens that the domain is one month old, and the statistics are listed for the last six. Make sure that the domain is the first level.
- Methods of accepting payments. The presence of a verified purse webmoney or paypal indicates that the service has at least been certified payment systems, which is not so easy to do.
- Lack of links or banners to other similar services. If the site has banners referring to “partners”, this means that all the so-called “partners” are products of the same scammers.
- The more contacts listed on the site, the better. This means that people do not want to hide from you.
Summarizing, we can say with certainty that it’s possible to beat bookmakers’ offices, but before you learn to do this, you will face an ocean of deception and swindlers seeking to get your money. Given this, we strongly advise you to look at both and do not trust sites with a dubious reputation.